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New year, new pricing

As we look ahead to an exciting 2015, and review our 2014, we’ve made the decision to increase our rates. This is the low down.

2015 rates

As a rule, we’re maintaining a flat studio rate for now. It may be that we need to break out into rates for senior, intermediate and junior team members at some point.

Day rate: £750

Hour rate: £100

We’re VAT-registered and will add VAT to invoices accordingly.

Why are our rates going up?

We’re growing as a business (see our 2014 review post for more on that) and that means:

  • We’ve got a lot more experience and expertise to offer
  • The quality of our work and delivery is higher – we continually work on improving tools, systems and processes we use*
  • Our overheads have dramatically increased – particularly office space and software licenses*
  • The team needs ancillary roles (sales, marketing, finance and project management) that aren’t directly revenue-generating

* We rely on software services for many of our tools, systems and processes. Professional software costs more per user than the more casual software that freelancers and micro-business can get away with using.

Will my current rate or project proposal cost still stand?

We’ll happily honour any proposal costs on proposals sent since September ’14.

Current rates we’ll definitely honour until the end of March ’15. After that we’ll look to negotiate new rates that are fair all round.

If you’ve got any concerns or questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.